Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Limited Time Offer: One Blog Post with Three Times the Fail!

I have proclaimed "Let Summer Begin!", thus I scheduled my first summer BBQ for the year and began my thoughtful planning. It was going to be perfect; Sun, Games, Grilled Food, Cold Beverages, and Good Friends. Just like this nice slice of Americana pictured to the left, only no small children and add a crazy Labrador who will eat anything. At first the weather forecast looked perfect, it was going to be warm and sunny. Then the weather Gods decided that since I live in the NW they would mix some things up, and the forecast now read 20% chance of light rain. Okay I can deal with that, I thought.

The day of the event I woke up to reasonable weather and decided I better scrub my original plan of getting a bike ride in and get the yard in shape, there will be time for a ride later. FAIL! Yes, I did get the yard in shape, but at the cost of good riding weather; one should know in Oregon you must always capitalize on good riding weather when it presents itself otherwise you will never have an enjoyable ride.

After finishing the yard I headed off to the stores to buy food and beverage. Aside from spending close to thirty minutes studying my different meat choices at Costco only to come away with some Johnsonville Brats, the shopping went reasonably well and I felt prepared to start the summer in style. The clouds had a different idea, as I walked out of the store I felt something wet hit my shoulder, then something on my neck, oh no, it was raining. By the time I got home and got everything into the house it was no longer your typical Oregon April misting, it was a full on deluge, Arizona style. Weather FAIL! The Backyard BBQ now became an indoor party with outdoor themed food. All crappy weather aside, it was still a bunch of fun to see the crew.

This morning I woke up to...RAIN! Again not your typical you just feel damp Oregon rain, no, it was full on wet head to toe, I'm cold and wet missery rain. So again, no time in the saddle. FAIL! After two great weeks of getting my miles in, I am going to fall seriously short this week, I'll be lucky to get 100 miles in.

Did I mention I have a headache that feels like a bass drum?