80's and sunny, what a glorious forecast for a mid-May weekend day. Doing as I normally do on a sunny day off, I loaded up the bottles with electrolytes and hit the road. Being one of my favorite routes, I headed out the doors with Cascade Locks and the Bridge of The Gods in my sights. My legs felt great, the sun was on my back, and the tunes, well they were in my head. The battery was completely dead on my iPod, I should have seen that as a warning for things to come, but I didn't. Besides, I am not a superstitious person. After the week I had (see previous post), I needed a nice long day in the saddle to work out my frustrations and concerns. Last time I rode the BoTG loop I had a serious meltdown in Washougal due to poor hydration and nutrition, this time I had a plan and I was going execute it to the fullest. It was not to be, 25 miles into the ride screaming down the descent from the Vista House to the Waterfalls I found a pot hole in the middle of a shady section of road. It went something like this, "Thunk, Thunk, Hssssssssss, BANG! Hssssssssssssssss." Apparently 120lbs of tire pressure and a 200 lb rider leads to a gunshot like pop when a tube gives way. In case you are wondering, I didn't pull the tube out for the photo, it came out on it's own accord. With a blown out front and a flat rear I decided to give the ol'wifey a call for a rescue. Not a proud moment, but hey at least I was hanging out in front of a goregous waterfall while I waited.
The rest of the day went much better, I threw some shrimp on the barby and enjoyed a warm afternoon/evening. Watched the Giro d'Italia and got an Icecream cone for desert.
Hopefully the Camby Ferry wont sink tomorrow as I cross the Willamette, looks to be another beautiful day.
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