Friday, January 8, 2010

Pulling Shots

Yes, I know, an off angle photo does not make it art. Unfortunately when I set this photo up I didn't take the time to make sure I got the subject mater on the vertical and horizontal axis, so we ended up with a set of espresso shots that look like they are falling off the edge of the earth. Or, at least what I think a couple of shots would look like if the world were flat and they were on their way over.

So now you ask, what is this "Pulling Shots" about? No, I haven't become a professional barista, even though I would probably enjoy that more than what I am doing right now, I have simply gotten my very first hobbyist espresso machine. Back in the day of Christmas 2005, I asked for an espresso machine from my parents for Christmas and in their infinite wisdom they got me your basic run of the mill Krups steam driven counter top machine. Basically a boiler that pushes hot water through a radiator and out into your espresso grounds. Good enough for making lattes and mochas. It's all I need or wanted and for a long time it sat on my counter top in my condo under utilized. It wasn't until recently that I took it to work with me and started up my newly discovered love of espresso. Quickly I discovered I can not make a decent Americano with a machine that produces no Crema. So I desired a new machine, asap.

Once again, my parents set me up with a timely Christmas gift, a new machine. This machine is a lot more sophisticated (and noisy), it uses a pump to create pressure to push the hot water through my grounds. Coupled with a quality coffee, I am able to pull a nice shot of espresso. So nice in fact, I am now just drinking 2 ounce espresso shots. Mmm Mmm Good!

If you've never had a plain shot of espresso, I highly recommend you come on over and I will set you up. Once you go pure espresso, I promise, you wont want to go back to Starbucks for your Triple Grande Caramel Mocha with Extra Whip. The added bonus, a shot is fraction of the calories so it keeps you on your new years resolution, for now.

BTW, I am off to a fabulous start on mine, -3 lbs.

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