There is a pattern that seems to repeat, some years stronger, some years weaker. Unfortunately, this year the pattern has come back a little stronger than last. So what is this mystical magical pattern? Well it goes something like this; January I start training for crew or bike racing or whatever it has been for the last decade, I lose weight and get in great shape by late spring early summer, I carry that conditioning through the summer. Then in August I get tired and lazy, stop working out, and put on the lbs totally losing the conditioning I worked so hard for. By early October I realize what I have done and fight the losing battle until Thanksgiving and then all hell breaks loose in the form of holiday celebrations of pie and strong holiday beverages. The holidays clear and I repeat the following year.
So this year I am taking a different approach, even though August brought on the Lbs, hopefully I still have some conditioning left. My new approach is to make September a month of exercise, mixed exercise. It is my goal to get 30 mins of exercise EVERY DAY, not strenuous every day, just take Kona for a walk, go to the climbing gym, a nice jog, a bike race, whatever...
Also, I have started the 100 push-up workout. If you are not familiar, it is a 6 week push-up workout with an end goal of doing 100 straight push-ups on the last workout. I am partway through week one and I already have improved in my push-up ability and I am having fun with the workout. I am anxiously anticipating the completion of the 7 weeks to 50 pull-ups workout. I've never been able to do more than 5 straight pull-ups so 50 would be something amazing!
In other news, I am still looking for a new career, and wedding season is upon us. First up, Colorado...